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Welcome to an Exercise in Exceptions! Here, we'll take weekly forays into the intersection psychology, law, and science - and how for every rule, there's an exception that can affect the justice in the legal system. Given that much of law and psychological science is written for lawyers and scientists, we are two experimental psychology professors that write for a broad scope of readers, from undergraduates who are just getting interested in how psychology can inform the justice system, to practitioners, academics, and policy-makers that are interested in what we know, and what we don't, about psychology and the law.

Posts are of two primary types: blog posts, and chats. Blog posts are what you're used to seeing on blogs. We'll analyze and discuss topics such as real life cases, exciting new research, how psychology research can be applied to the law, and how psychological science works in general. We may even have guest posts in this format from time to time.

In Chat formats, we'll invite guests into a conversation about some topic we'd like to discuss. This could include fellow researchers talking about their newest work, reactions to real-world events, or folks talking about their experiences in the justice system.

Overall, we'll use this blog to talk about what we know, and what we need to know, to make the justice system fair. To learn more about how the blog works, check out first post, An Exercise in Introductions.


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